Though many of us are looking forward to the much needed time off this week, we might be dreading the family that is coming to town. Thanksgiving should be a time full of great food and making new memories, but often we have to deal with family members who can make life difficult. We all have that interesting aunt, uncle, or crazy grandparent that we have to tolerate during family functions. So, how can we make the best of a difficult situation during this holiday season?
Watch Your Mouth
Try your best to be the bigger person. If they insult you, try to provoke you, or try to get a rise out of you, say nothing. Remember that you can’t get words back after you say them. Even though they deserve the full extent of your mouth at times, you don’t want to be hearing about it for years to come.
Hang By Your Faves
Most families have a couple of rotten family members, but not all of them are full of have irredeemable qualities. There have to be people either in your immediate or extended family that you can turn to for refuge. Though you don’t want to ignore family members, don’t hang out with people that are going to drive you crazy. Limit your interactions with them so you don’t say or do something that you can’t take back. Have a code word with your favorite family members to know when you need to be rescued or make a quick escape.
Have A Positive Perspective
As a child of divorced parents, I find it extremely difficult to deal with many of my father’s, um, colorful family members. I have seen in recent years, how I can hype it up to be the worst case scenario when it only ends up being mildly annoying. Obviously, some years have been far worse than others, but never have my worst fears come to pass. Remember that going to your own family function. We always expect and prepare for it to be far worse than it is. Try not to talk about the impending event with too many of your family members. Talking about it will only upset you and make you worry about things that you don’t need to yet. Realize that there are many people out there who would love to have many of your family members, even some of the crazy ones.
Get Plenty Of Sleep
If you are cranky and tired, it is only going to make this family get together so much worse. Get your solid 7-9 hours of sleep the night before so you will be alert and ready to face the day.
Enjoy The Food
When in doubt, eat more turkey. Since the people aren’t the highlight of the holiday, it might as well be the food. When you think you might say something you shouldn’t, reach for another round of mashed potatoes. Everything feels and seems better when you have a full stomach.
Laugh It Off
Laugh about the absurdities of your crazy family with those you trust. Instead of turning to anger, turn to laughter. Most of these situations would seem hilarious and unbelievable to anyone else, so why not look on the bright side.
As terrible as your family situations may be, you will be able to survive this, just like you have so many times before. I hope that you have an excellent Thanksgiving, and learn to appreciate those pesky loved ones a little more this year.