Pregnancy is such a fantastic time. It is a time to discover new things about your body, yourself, and your family. But, pregnancy can also be a time of extreme anxiety and worry. You want what is best for your unborn baby, and you might be scared about your mothering abilities. Luckily, most of us have our own mother we can turn to during these stressful times. So what exactly should you be asking your mom during this nine-month period?
1. How Did You Do It?
On those days when the morning sickness is too much, or you just feel tired to your very core, you might wonder how you’re going to survive this pregnancy. Let alone survive when the baby comes. Your mom is the best person to encourage you during this time because she knows you best. She can give you tips during your darkest days to keep you going. And, no one’s opinion means more to us than our moms, especially about mothering. If she thinks you can do it, you know that you can.
2. What Worked For You?
As you are discussing how to discipline and raise your child with your spouse, it might be helpful to ask your parents’ opinion. Ask your mom what she did the first couple of weeks after you were born that helped. Or, what she did to prepare for your birth that she would do again. Your parents can tell you honestly about the things that worked well and the things that didn’t.
3. Will I Ever Sleep Again?
I know that as excited as you are for your new baby to come, you might be concerned about having a life after giving birth. Yes, you want this baby more than anything, but you also need seven hours of sleep a night. It’s important to ask about how to balance life, work, and your new child. Your mom can give you insight into this issue.
4. How Painful Is It?
We have all heard our fair share of birthing horror stories, so we have a right to be terrified of it. Let your momma walk you through the process and encourage you. She can give you the real details other people might be afraid to disclose. And remind you that the pain is worth it.
5. Will You Help Me?
Don’t be afraid to lean on your mom and ask for her help during those first couple of hard weeks. She is going to be thrilled to be a grandmother and want to help out. I know that my own grandmother stayed with my mom for the first week after both my brother and me were born. Have her number on speed dial during those initial hectic weeks.
6. Anything Embarrassing
Do you have a question that you’re afraid to ask your other mom friends or family members? Maybe it’s something you should know how to do but don’t. Like how to change a diaper or what to put on your baby registry. You don’t have to be embarrassed around your mom, and she will only laugh at you a little for asking silly questions.
7. Am I Going To Poop?
One of the biggest questions I see women asking about labor everywhere is if they poop during it or not. Honestly, I have heard from most women that you don’t quite know what is coming out of you and you don’t care by the time labor is over. But yes, you most likely will poop. It never hurts to ask mom just in case.
There might be many more questions on your heart that we didn’t cover in today’s article, so ask your mom them all. Now is your time to soak in knowledge from the woman who raised you before you have to raise someone. Don’t take this opportunity lightly. If you have any more tips on things, we should be asking our moms, comment them below!
For tips for surviving week one of motherhood, check out our article here.
And, if you’re wondering what baby bottles you should buy for your little one, check out our top ten review here!