It can be tough when you live miles or even states away from your best friend. But, that just gives you an excuse to plan a bunch of bestie reunion trips. So, what makes a great best friend weekend? We have some ideas for you here!
Take Her On A Tour
It’s likely that your best friend hasn’t seen around your new town, so take her on a tour. Take her to the place where you like to get your coffee, your favorite bar, and where you love to walk your dog. She is going to want to see everything, so let her into your world.
Bar Hopping
Are you really best friends if you don’t go out clubbing or bar hopping when you’re together? Relieve your glory days and drink a little more than you should. If you just moved to the area, try out some new bars or places you wanted to try but didn’t have anyone to go with before.
But, Still, Find Time To Chill
I know that you’re going to want to cram everything you possibly can into this weekend, but you can’t-do it all. Realize that, and your life will be much less stressful. Take some time to have in-depth conversations on the couch, watch a good movie, and snuggle. You don’t have to go, go, go. The key to any best friendship is that you can be doing anything and still have fun.
Catch Up On The Gossip
Because who doesn’t love to rehash and hear all the new gossip? Now is the time to vent about those people you hate at work or in your area. Or, just the people you went to college with. This is an excellent opportunity to stalk each other’s new boyfriends or anyone else on social media. And, who can keep a secret like your best friend? You know you can say anything you want to her, so get all that gossip you’ve been waiting to tell her out.
Eat, Eat, Eat
Your best friend is most likely your best friend because she loves to eat and doesn’t judge you for eating. Take this time together to eat through your town or apartment. If you both like cooking, why not cook a meal or dessert together. But, if you love going out to eat, take her to your favorite restaurant and then to get dessert after. And if you go to the movies, make sure you get plenty of popcorn to share.
Sleep Is For The Weak
Stay up late together like you are irresponsible college students once again. Have pillow talk conversations like the roommates you wish you were. Watch stupid romantic comedies. And dance the night away, even if you’re just in your pajamas.
Instagram It
If you didn’t take a picture when your best friend came to town, did it even happen? Make sure that you take advantage of this opportunity to get some seriously cute best friend pictures. Though you don’t want to spend too much time on your phone, making sure to document your fun from time to time is ok.
Put Away Social Media
Try making a pact with your best friend that you won’t use your phones when you’re around each other. Keep your phones in your purses when you are out to eat and have designated times to check social media. Don’t get so caught up trying to Snapchat or Instagram Story everything that you miss out on the actual moment. Be fully present, because this is a special weekend.
Don’t Think About The Good-bye
As the time starts to get the better of you, you are going to want to wallow in the fact that your best friend has to leave you. Don’t! It can be hard not to think about the inevitable, but that is only going to take away from the precious moments you have left. Know that it’s never goodbye it’s just a see you later.
I hope that whatever you do with your best friend when they visit, that you have a fantastic time. And remember that distance has nothing on you guys.
For tips on maintaining your friendships when you move, we got you covered.