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Find Relief from Congested Ears with This Handy Guide

Are you suffering from congested ears? 

There is nothing fun about having congested ears.  Whether you are a baby or an adult, the feeling of having congested ears is one that it can be frustrating and annoying.  Typically, having congested ears means that there’s something else likely going on. For the most part, congested ears are related to your sinuses. Often times, congested ears mean you will be fighting off a sinus infection soon. Although There are many reasons that your ears can become congested,  the good news is there are different methods of relief. Today we are going to talk about some of the top things that may be causing your congested ears as well as what to do in order to find some relief.

Why Are My Ears Congestion?

There are many reasons that your ears can become congested. For starters, your sinuses and ears are connected inside your head. When you have a sinus congestion going on, it is not abnormal for your ears to become affected as well.  The pressure in your sinuses can be so great that it affects your ears. For anyone who has flown in an airplane, this feeling of pressure is similar to that of your ears starting to pop when you reach a high elevation. If you are suffering from congested ears then you will want to start by looking at your sinuses first. Once you do treat the congestion that is going on in your sinuses, you will be able to find that the ear congestion you have will be able to resolve itself as well.

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Are Congested Ears a Cause for Concern? 

For the most part, having congested ears is nothing more than a sinus annoyance. Although they can be frustrating, you should not be alarmed. Many people get congested ears and they have to do nothing more than wait for it to resolve itself. If you find that you are having other issues such as fluid draining, then you might be suffering from an ear infection. In that case, you will want to get examined by a healthcare professional. Other symptoms that you should be aware of include feeling a sensation of vertigo or dizziness. These could be symptoms of an underlying condition. 

Get Moisture

One of the best ways to help resolve your congestion is by using the power of moisture. There are several ways you can do this. For starters, you can use a nasal saline spray several times a day. This nasal saline spray will help clear out the congestion that is in your sinuses. Along with this, it will then help clear out or at least alleviate any ear congestion you may be suffering from. Another way to get moisture circulating through your sinuses is by holding a moist washcloth to your face. Not only will this introduce moisture but it can help ease the pressure and pain as well. The warmth will encourage circulation and overall feels good against your face.

When it comes time to go to bed, it is not a bad idea to have a humidifier in your room. Having a humidifier in your room will allow your sinuses from drying out throughout the night. This can be especially helpful if you have children who are suffering from congestion. Another effective method to help get moisture to your sinuses is by running a  hot shower. You don’t necessarily have to get inside the hot shower, but the steam can help alleviate some of the clogged mucus in your sinuses.

Over the Counter Medicine

 To unclog your sinuses and help relieve some of the pressure, there are some over-the-counter medications that you can try. Some common over-the-counter medicines include acetaminophen and ibuprofen. You can also get earache medicine such as the Hyland’s Earache Drops which will help relieve some of the pressure. You always want to make sure that you check with your healthcare provider first before you begin using over-the-counter medicine. In some cases, over the counter medication can do more harm than good. This is especially true with nasil sprays. Overuse can cause more irritation. 

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

If you are feeling congestion in your sinuses and your ears are taking a hit, then one of the best ways to clear ear congestion is by taking it easy. Participating in high endurance activities such as jogging can raise your body temperature and have adverse effects on your congestion. If you decide to go out in the dead of the summer heat or the peak of a snow blizzard, this can happen and negative impact as well. Try to keep yourself in a well regulated temperature to help alleviate some of the congestion.

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Keep Your Head Elevated

One of the easiest things you can do when dealing with congested ears is keeping your head elevated. When you keep your head elevated, you are letting gravity naturally unclog your sinuses. When you bend your head forward, you will notice that the pressure in your sinuses will increase. This increased pressure will mean more pain, so it is best to avoid this position. When you go to bed, it is best to take a couple of extra pillows with you to prop your head up so that you can help alleviate some of the congestion.

Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of fluid will help your body perform at its peak. One of the best ways to get rid of ear congestion is by maintaining proper fluids throughout your day. When you keep yourself hydrated, the mucus in your sinuses will stay thin. This means that your mucus will drain out a lot easier. Not only that, but when you go to bed, you will not have to deal too much with those night time stuffiness that can keep you up all night long.

Neck Exercises

While this might sound strange, neck exercises can be helpful in trying to get rid of earaches or congested ears. Pain in the ears is often due to pressure in the ears, Fortunately, simple neck exercises can help relieve this pressure.

This neck exercise is rather easy to do and you can perform it really anywhere. You will want to begin by having both your feet flat on the ground. Next, you will want to slowly rotate your neck and head until your head is lined up parallel to your shoulder. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and stretch your neck out. Next, you will want to perform the same movement on the other side of your head. When you perform these movements, you want to make sure that you move slowly. If you do any jerky movements, you run the risk of straining a muscle or hurting yourself. With each movement, you will also want to try to hold the stretch for about five seconds. Perform this quick and easy exercise several times a week and you should start to see relief.

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Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. If you are suffering from an earache or congested ears, you can help alleviate some of the discomforts with this natural anti-inflammatory. Some great ways to get ginger throughout your day is through ginger infused teas like the Yogi Organic Herbal Ginger Tea. If you have more of a sweet tooth, then natural ginger ale can do the trick as well. Finally, when it comes to snacking, one of the best ways to get this root is through natural ginger snaps. Sneak some ginger into your diet daily, and you should see some of the information in your ears go down. 

Take It Easy 

Do not overexert yourself, especially when your body is trying to heal. If you need to blow your nose, then be sure not to blow too hard. Just like any sickness, you want to take it easy. When you blow your nose to0 hard or overexert yourself, you are putting unnecessary strain on your body while it is trying to recover. 

Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

While many symptoms of earache congestions will normally clear up on their own, there are some symptoms that you should not ignore. If you experience issues such as bleeding, headaches, or fevers, then you should contact your healthcare professional as soon as possible. While not always the case, earache pain can be an indication of ear infections. With most ear infections, medical intervention such as prescription creams may be necessary to resolve the issue.

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Ear Congestion in Babies

While these remedies will work great for adults, it can be a little trickier to get them to work with babies and young children. For babies who suffer from congested ears, remedies like being in a steamy room can do the trick. However, if you find that the congestion will not go away, then you will want to get them to their pediatrician as soon as possible. This is especially important if they are newborn infants. Babies are no strangers to ear aches. Will all the mucus that is trying to drain out form their sinuses, you can expect for them to get an earache at least once in their infancy.

Final Thoughts

Ear congestion pain is not something that you have to suffer through. Try some of these quick and easy tips, and you are sure to find relief soon. As always, if you notice that worse symptoms begin to develop, then it is imperative to get you a healthcare professional right away.

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