10 Stretches To Relieve Anxiety To Give You A Stress-Free Life
11 Of The Best Gyms With Childcare That Are Worth Checking Out
Shakeology: The Skinny On This Hot Fitness And Weight Loss Trend
Weight loss and fitness are multi-billion dollar per year industries. It is no wonder that this is the case in America. After all, according to the Centers for Disease Control, circa 2016-2017, 39.8% of Americans were overweight or obese. That means that the battle of the bulge is being fought by 93.3 million adults in […]
10 Tips To Shed Some Unwanted Pounds For Swimsuit Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, I’m not talking about the holiday season, I’m talking about swimsuit season! Now, before we all cheer at once, the dreaded question must be answered. How do we shed those extra pounds to get our beach bodies ready for swimsuit season? The good news is, there’s […]