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Checklist Mania! Hospital Bag Essentials

So time is narrowing down faster than you anticipated and in a few short week, your precious baby will be here! You’re racking your brain with the things you need to do and making sure you have check marks beside all of the essentials. This can be an exciting yet stressful time making certain you have everything you need in preparation for the “big day.”

Hospital Bag

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The hospital bag is a big one, this precious little bundle of joy can make his/her appearance whenever they feel like it, so around 36 weeks make sure your bags are packed and everything is ready to go in preparation for your new baby! Even if you are planning a home birth, you never know what twists and turns your baby can pull so it’s smart to pack a bag either way cause a trip to the hospital is always possible.

A lot of hospitals vary on their policies when it comes to what is acceptable in your bag, so it’s always a good idea to pack some of your home items. Packing your own pillows or blankets is a great way to make the experience a little more personal for you, I mean you never know how long your stay will be.

Hospital Bag Essentials

Items to pack for you

Cell phone charger – If your phone dies on you, you might go with it from boredom. Make sure you keep it charged!

Flip flops – You will want these for showers or if its warmer weather and your feet are swollen

Coming home outfit – You never know how long you will be in labor and stuck in the hospital. Trust me, by the end of this journey; you will be exhausted! So make sure you pack something comfortable for your ride home.

Chapstick and lotion – Your skin is probably already dry, and the hospital air is dry itself. Packing chapstick and lotion is important for maximum comfort.

nursing bra for Hospital Bag

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Snacks and drinks – Make sure you pack enough for you and your partner, lollipops are perfect for dry mouth during labor.

Something to pass the time – You might be in the hospital for a while before your baby decided to make their appearance, so you might want to make sure you have a music playlist ready with some headphone to help pass the time. Magazines and books are also great ways to pass the time!

Nursing bra – Don’t pack anything with underwire to make sure you have the most comfort.

Breast Pump (if you plan on breastfeeding) –  It’s always a good idea to try pumping before you leave the hospital so you can see how much milk you are producing and if your baby will get all of the nourishment he/she needs.

Sleepwear, Robe, underwear – Don’t pack your best or favorite articles seeing as though you’re entering a messy process. Pack old underwear that you don’t mind getting a little messy.

Toiletries – hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, makeup (as if), shampoo, conditioner, lotion, contact lens case and solution (remember, travel-sized products are your best friends)

Insurance information/hospital forms/birthing plan (if you have one) – If the hospital doesn’t have your insurance information already, for the quickest process make sure you have your information prepared and ready.

toiletries for Hospital Bag

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Nursing pads – Even if you aren’t planning on breastfeeding nursing pads will be helpful for your leaky breasts after giving birth.

Cash and change – Bring at least $20 in cash and change for snacks, gift-store runs, and any of your miscellaneous cravings. Because…hospital food ?

Items to back for baby

Baby blanket – Although hospitals are usually pretty warm, if it’s chilly outside your baby will need a blanket.

Hats – You’ll likely get a receiving blanket and hat in the hospital, so these can be skipped unless you’ve got your heart set on a particular, cute style.

Coming home outfit – A lot of people go with simple footie pajamas so you don’t have to worry about booties or socks, but you can put your new bundle of joy in any outfit you’d like for their coming home outfit!

Diapers – This is something most places supply for you after giving birth, but just in case it’s always smart to pack extras!

Baby car seat – This one is obvious. Clearly, you won’t be strapping your new baby in the car without one!

Jackets or snowsuit – Remember that babies are very sensitive to cold weather, so if you are having a winter birth make sure you have warm outfits for him/her to wear home.

So now you have your hospital back packed and ready to go, and don’t stress out! Remember that if anything is forgotten in your bag, your partner or family member would gladly run home and grab it for you! Good luck and enjoy this experience.

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