Discover It Miles Card lets you redeem miles for either travel credit or cash back at the same rate. Most rewards cards make you choose between cash or travel. This card has no annual fee and you get 1.5 miles per dollar spent. A disadvantage to this card is that this card is not accepted internationally as widely as many other cards are. Also, if you are not a big spender, this card is not going to be your best option. A card with a higher rewards rate and a fee would offer more value to those who plan on spending a lot. For the occasional vacationer this card may be a perfect option, but for those who spend more than $5,000 each year on travel and dining out, a Chase Sapphire Reserve would be a better fit. The APR varies between 13.24% – 24.24% and a cash advance APR of a variable average of 26.24%.
- The cardholder gets to choose between miles or cash back.
- No annual fee
- A nice rate of 1.5 miles per dollar spent
- No Blackout Dates, Cardholders can fly with any airline and stay at any hotel.
- This card is not accepted internationally as much as many of the other rewards cards
What Other People Are Saying
“I applied for this card a few months ago and have been using it for all my purchases. I received a generous credit limit of $6500 which is the most I have ever been approved for as my average credit limit on my other credit cards are $1200 or less. Great design and an available app that makes checking my balance a breeze. Im already gaining miles and planning my first trip next year. Thank you Discover for this wonderful credit card.”
“Yes, I know it’s a “cheap” card with the $0 annual fee and relatively low 1.5x rewards. But it offers a 100% match after 12 months that I don’t see any other company offer, which makes it incredibly valuable–even for a high spender–after a year. Consider someone who spends $10k/month on a card. At 1.5X, that’s 180k miles in 12 months. With a 100% match, that would be 360k miles with the Discover It Miles card. By comparison, the Capital One Venture card offers 2x rewards, which would be 240k miles earned. Even if you add the 40k bonus sign up offer, that’s 280k miles earned over 12 months, which is 80k less than the Discover It Miles card.”
Cost and Process to Join
It is free to apply and join to get a Discover It Miles Card. There is also no annual fee which is a great feature. To apply for the rewards card, click here.
Customer Service
I didn’t see any unusual issues with the customer service. As with most rewards cards, there were complaints along with positive reviews left about customer service.
My Conclusion
The Discover It Miles Card has no annual fee. This card lets you redeem miles for either travel credit or cash back at the same rate. Most rewards cards make you choose between cash or travel. Cardholders will get 1.5 miles per dollar spent. A downside to this card is that this card is not accepted internationally as widely as many other cards are. The APR varies between 13.24% – 24.24% and a cash advance APR of a variable average of 26.24%. I hope my review helps you to decide if the Discover It Miles Card is the right rewards credit card for you!
For more reviews and information, check out our list of the top Ten Rewards Credit Cards.