Fighting off a toddler yeast infection? We have got you covered.
Raising a baby can be exciting, fun, and full of special moments that you will want to cherish. The downside, however, is dealing with the many runny noses, colds, and illnesses that your little one will inevitably encounter. One of those frustrating ailments is a toddler yeast infection. Today, we are going to go over everything you need to know about a toddler yeast infection. From what causes one to develop, to how to identify it. We have got everything you need to know. Not only that, but we have included a list of some of the best at home remedies for fighting off a toddler yeast infection. Let’s get started.
What Is A Yeast Infection?
A yeast infection is a common infection that is caused by the Candida albicans yeast. This is the type of fungus. When this fungus finds a home (the home is usually a warm and moist environment), a rash known as a yeast infection spreads. For this reason, yeast factions are typically found in places such as the mouth, or other moist areas of the skin.
One of the most common yeast infections happens to girls in the form of a vaginal yeast infection. In fact, about 75% of all females will have had a yeast infection at some point in their life.
Girls are the only ones who are susceptible to yeast infections. In fact, a common ailment of young children is a toddler yeast infection. Although, it is pretty straightforward and clear what causes a toddler yeast infection, there are some other culprits. Here are some of the reasons why your toddler might experience a yeast infection during their childhood.
Wet Or Soiled Diapers
One of the most common ways a toddler can develop a yeast infection is through their diapers. When a wet or soiled diaper stays on your babies bum for too long, a yeast infection may form. It does not matter what type of diaper you use either. Both cloth diapers and disposable diapers are susceptible to giving your toddler a yeast infection. Although it’s not common, wet underwear is also known to pose a risk for a yeast infection to develop.
A Change In Your Toddler’s Microbiome
Simply put, a microbiome is your child’s bacterial ecosystem consisting of fungi, viruses, bacteria, and all the other tiny organisms that exist in their body. When there is a change in your toddler is microbiome, this makes your toddler susceptible to a yeast infection. Many researchers suggest that when the microbiome is out of balance, there might be an excess of yeast that could contribute to the development of a yeast infection.
Speaking of a change in your toddler’s microbiome, if your child takes antibiotics for any reason, their microbiome is likely to change. Taking antibiotics has the ability to leave your child vulnerable to developing a yeast infection. Simply put, this is because antibiotics can kill harmful bacteria that grow during an infection. Unfortunately, antibiotics can also kill good bacteria too. When good bacteria is killed off, yeast tends to thrive in their absence.
Yeast Infection Or Diaper Rash, Know The Difference
It is important to know the difference between a yeast infection and a diaper rash. A diaper rash while uncomfortable and painful will usually consist of chafing and irritation. When the diaper rash also consists of small red dots that circle the edge of the infection, then you are more likely to have a yeast infection on your hands.
The good news is with most yeast infections, they will clear up on their own with some simple treatments. Here are a couple of home remedies that you can try to get rid of a toddler yeast infection with ease
1. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best things to have stocked up on at home. Not only is it great in the kitchen but it is perfect for helping get rid of a toddler yeast infection. Simply add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your toddler’s warm bath water and this will help ease some of the pain and discomfort.
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2. Plain Yogurt
Plain yogurt contains plenty of good bacteria. One thing that this good bacteria is responsible for is helping stop the yeast from spreading in the body. If your little one is suffering from a toddler yeast infection then feed them yogurt to help get some of the good bacteria in their body. You can also apply yogurt directly to the infected area as well. Just be sure that you are using and unflavored, plain yogurt. Apply the yogurt to the affected area several times a day for a couple of days or until The yeast infection has cleared.
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3. Garlic
Take a clove of raw garlic and mash it so that it become a nice and thing paste. Next, take the paste and spread it over the affected area or skin. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then wiped clean. You can also mix a bit of raw garlic into your toddler’s food and have them digest the garlic that way.
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4. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is well known for its antiviral and antibiotic bacterial qualities. To make a safe and effective cleaning solution then you want to use tea tree oil. Simply boil one and a half cup of water and then allow it to cool. Then add 5 to 6 drops of tree tea or oil. Mix the solution together and you have a soothing remedy to help clean your toddler’s yeast infection. Be sure however to not let your little one ingest any of the tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has been known to have adverse side effects including nausea, abdominal pain, and hallucinations. never use tea trea oil as a cleaning solution for an infection inside the mouth.
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5. Baking Soda
Another great cleaning solution to use in order to help clear your toddler’s yeast infection is baking soda. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and one cup of water to make a cleaning solution. Then take a cotton ball or swab and apply to the affected area. Be sure to mix a new solution every single day. This way, you have a fresh solution to use each time. Continue using the solution until the yeast infection clears.
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6. Prescription Creams
If the natural remedies do not seem to be working on your toddler’s yeast infection, then your next step is to visit a doctor so they can check out the infected area. Your doctor will likely prescribe your toddler a topical cream to use on the infected area. Topical creams can be extremely effective in helping relieve and clear up a toddler yeast infection.
7. How Long Until A Toddler Yeast Infection Clears Up?
Typically, a toddler yeast infections will need to run its course. However, most yeast infections will last for no more than two weeks but will generally improve within 3 to 4 days. The time that it takes for a yeast infection to clear up is usually sped up when prescription topical medications are put in place. However, these natural remedies will work just as well in clearing up the yeast infection.
Once you have battled a toddler used infection, you will quickly realize that you will want to stay away from them at all costs. One of the best things to do is practice prevention. In order to prevent a toddler yeast infection, be sure to regularly change your toddler‘s diaper and keep the bum area nice and clean.
Final Thoughts
While dealing with a yeast infection can be incredibly frustrating for you and your child, they are simply a natural thing that most children will experience in their childhood. The bad news is while they are frustrating, inconvenient, and downright annoying, the good news is you can quickly get rid of them. Use some of these home remedies, and you should be well on your way to having a clean and healthy baby bum in no time.
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