The Fisher-Price Papasan Cradle Swing is a popular baby swing and for good reasons. Just by looking at this swing, you can see it’s made to treat your baby like a little princess or prince. This swing has a cozy two position fabric seat. The seat has a nest-like feel and supportive design that holds your baby’s head in a comfortable and healthy position. A sturdy frame and 3 point harness will keep your baby safe and secure when in this swing.
The swing can swing either from side-to-side or front-to-back. More features include a total of 16 songs (8 daytime songs for times of rest, awake times, and then 8 night-times songs created to soothe. There are also 2 long playing songs).
This is a beautiful and unique swing with the Starlight Canopy. It was created to give your baby a safe and enclosed feeling. This canopy also sways along with the cradles swing motion. This allows your baby to watch the stars float on by as they go by overhead. Then with the flick of a switch, a different star show appears. All is projected onto the canopy for easy viewing by your baby.
The swing dimensions are 25.5 x 13.8 x 15 inches with a total swing weight of 22.4 pounds.
This swing can run on electric when plugged in, or by battery. The Fisher Price Starlight Papasan Cradle Swing requires 4 D (LR20) alkaline batteries which are not included.
Best Features of The Product
- Light Show Feature
- Canopy
- Durability
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Most Talked About Features
As of this writing there were 709 customer reviews 74 answered questions left on Amazon for the Fisher-Price Papasan Cradle Swing. I’ve read through the comments and also the answered questions and condensed the information into this article. I hope that this helps you in choosing a baby swing.
The Fisher-Price Papasan Cradle Swing has a 3 point harness system to keep your baby safe. I wasn’t seeing any issues based on customer comments on the safety of this swing. Here is one of the comments on safety that was left by a parent,
“The swing is sturdy and perfect for newborns. I can put my newborn in this swing and it cradles him. He is comfortable and I feel that he is safe.”
This appears to be a well-built and durable swing. Here is just one of the many positive comments on the durability,
“Fantastic, durable, and babies love it! It was perfect for my grand-daughter, but we sold it afterwards. We bought it used and it was in great working condition after a year. After another year, we sold it and it was still in great condition.”
Ease of Set Up
One reoccurring topic that I kept hearing in the reviews is to read the directions in full before trying to set this swing up. It may take a little longer, but it will be worth it in the long run to read through all information on setting it up. Here is what one customer had to say,
“At first, we put it together and the mobile would not work and made a horrible clicking sound and I was so disappointed. HOWEVER, we figured out it was us putting it together wrong and not the swing’s problem.”
Another had this to say about setting up this swing,
“I do suggest reading the instruction manual ALL THE WAY THROUGH BEFORE YOU BEGIN SET-UP. This is actually a good idea for anything, but with this swing you will immediately address the issues and problems that are written about in most of these reviews. *For example, people complain about the seat tilting and in the instruction manual it tells you to turn the swing on one side to attach the seat to the rest of the swing.”
The swing dimensions are 25.5 x 13.8 x 15 inches with a total swing weight of 22.4 pounds. While this isn’t the smallest swing, it also isn’t the biggest. The Fisher-Price Papasan Cradle Swing is right about in the middle on size.
The biggest difference that sets this swing apart from others, is the canopy and light show. Here is just one of the comments on this cool feature that babies and parents liked,
“We bought this swing for our daughter. She absolutely loves the lights and spinning stars/moon. I was very impressed that when the lights are out in the room, the lights in the mobile show up really well on the canopy.”
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My Conclusion
The Fisher-Price Papasan Cradle Swing is one cool little swing. The price is a bit high, but not when you see all the features you are getting. It appears to be very safe and durable. The main feature that stood out from other swings is the spinning stars and moon show that projects onto the canopy. The fact that this swing can also go from front to back or side to side is another popular feature. This won’t be the tiniest swing for travel, but it also is not the largest. Perhaps the best thing about this swing is that parents were saying their babies really loved it. I hope my review helps you as you look to purchase the best baby swing for your child.
For more information, check out our Top 10 Baby Swings .