There’s nothing more boho, unique, and naturally beautiful than a flower crown. It can be the perfect accessory to put your wedding day look over the edge, from special to once-in-a-lifetime. Set aside 10 minutes to follow this tutorial and make your very own flower crown.
You can use either artificial or fresh flowers. Each have their own benefits so you will have to determine which you prefer. Artificial flowers last longer, withstand more pressure, and are more adhesive. Fresh flowers look more realistic, smell great, and can match your other arrangements exactly. Get about three bunches of flowers.
Step 1: Separate flowers from stems
Artificial flowers heads may easily pop off, separating from the stem. But for certain fake flowers and real flowers, you will need a pair of scissors. You will also want to remove the leaves from the stems, as well.
Step 2: Separate flowers and leaves
After you quickly removed both flowers and leaves from their stems, you should now create two piles. Two separate piles makes it easier to establish a pattern when you are actually forming the crown.
Step 3: Cut remaining stems
If the flowers have any remaining stems after you initially cut them away from the stem, now is the time to remove them. Stems will only get in the way when you are actually creating your crown. Stemless flowers will lay flatter on the headband and be more comfortable, in general
Step 4: Remove remaining plastic
If you elected to use artificial flowers, some extra plastic may be attached to the stems. Cut off any unnecessary plastic, as it will only get in the way much like the stems on the flowers.
Step 5: Apply hot glue
After the previous step, the back of each flower should be flat. Apply hot glue to the back of each flower, one at a time. Apply a generous amount and before it cools…
Step 6: Attach to headband
Flip the flower over and carefully attach it to the headband. Press and hold until it cools.
Step 7: Make a pattern
Arrange the rest of the flowers in a pattern of your choice. Leave about one-inch in between each large flower to leave space for adding smaller flowers later.
Step 8: Cover headband with flowers
Repeat steps 5 through 7 the whole way around the headband. You may want to leave flowers off of the back of the headband if you will want to tuck the back under your hair or your veil to lie flatter.
Step 9: Add smaller flowers
In those one-inch spaces you left in between the larger flowers, add smaller flowers. For these, you can apply the hot glue directly to the headband and then press the flowers tightly against it until it cools. Be careful not to glue down the petals or your fingers!
Step 10: Add the leaves
Grab three leaves and glue a small flower in the middle to keep them together. Repeat twice more to make a total of three clusters. After they have a chance to cool, place these three clusters randomly spaced across your crown.
Step 11: Apply any more additions
While at this point, your flower crown is already beautiful, you can add other items in order to give it your own personal touch. You want want to add any leftover flowers or foliage. Also, ribbon, twine, and more serve as great decorations.
Step 12: Cool
Give all the hot glue on your headband a chance to cool. Be patient as you do not want your hair to get glued to your band. Then, enjoy your flower crown!
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