Most babies love rhymes. The repetition and the flow of words can have similar benefits for children just like listening to music. Reading and reciting nursery rhymes can also begin a lifelong love of reading for a child. In this article, I’m specifically going to go over some great nursery rhymes for boys.
The color blue and little boys just go together. Here is a good one to recite for little boys:
Little Boy Blue
Little boy blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow; the cow’s in the corn
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He’s under the haystack, fast asleep.
They say that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I think this applies to little boys too. After reading this one, you may just have to bake up some muffins for your little man.
Muffin Man
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane?
Second Verse:
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
That lives on Drury Lane.
I have yet to meet a little boy who doesn’t like to play with boats. If your boy’s name happens to be Michael, you have a double winner with this one.
Michael Row Your Boat Ashore
Michael, row your boat ashore
Then you’ll here the trumpet blow
Then you’ll hear the trumpet sound,
Trumpet sound the world around
Trumpet sound the jubilee
Trumpet sound for you and me
For all of the Bills, Billies, or Williams out there:
Billy Boy
Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
Oh, where have you been, charming Billy?
I have been to seek a wife; she’s the joy of my life,
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
Did she ask you to come in, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
Did she ask you to come in, charming Billy?
Yes, she asked me to come in, there’s a dimple in her chin.
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
Can she make a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
Can she make a cherry pie, charming Billy?
She can make a cherry pie, quick as a cat can wink an eye,
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
How old is she, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
How old is she, charming Billy?
Three times six and four times seven, twenty-eight and eleven,
She’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother.
Boys love to jump. You may want to jump together to this one. Especially if you have a little boy named Jack.
Jack Be Nimble
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick
Jack be faster, Jack be cool
Jack jump over the paddling pool
Jack be quicker, Jack be fast
Jack jump over the ship’s tall mast
Jack bounce higher; Jack bounce far
Jack jump over the planets and stars
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick
Jack be faster, Jack be cool
Jack jump over the paddling pool
Jack be quicker, Jack be fast
Jack jump over the ship’s tall mast
Jack bounce higher; Jack bounce far
Jack jump over the planets and stars
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick
Such a simple and silly little rhyme. Especially perfect if your son’s name is Tommy, Tom, or Thomas.
Little Tommy Tucker
Little Tom Tucker
Sings for his supper.
What shall we give him?
White bread and butter.
How shall he cut it
Without a knife?
How will he be married
Without a wife?
Mothers of boys will know full well that this rhyme speaks the truth.
What Are Little Boys Made Of
What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails
And puppy-dogs’ tails
That’s what little boys are made of
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice [or “all things nice”]
That’s what little girls are made of
I hope that some of these old and new nursery rhymes will delight your little boy. Have fun and enjoy your baby boy while he is still small!