It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing colors, people are breaking out their hoodies and trading in their flip flops for boots. The days are shorter and the air is crisp. We all know what that means – it’s Autumn! Well, it has been Autumn for a hot minute now. But, depending on where you live, it likely has still felt like the last traces of summer. Hey, if, like me, you hail from the deep South, you can still break a sweat hiking across a college campus mid-afternoon. So, all of that is subjective. However, it is October, so there is no doubting that Autumn is definitely here. And you know what that means: HALLOWEEN!. If you have kids, that’s definitely something that will require some thinking and preparation. Everything from what to do with all that extra cookie dough you have leftover from your last holiday treat fest to finding the perfect costumes for your little ghouls and ghosts and skeletons must be decided. Well, we can help you with at least some of that, starting with this list of Halloween treat ideas that are so simple that even your kids can help.
Popcorn Ghosts
This is probably the simplest – not to mention the healthiest – item on this list. Just take some sturdy, clear lunch bags that can be purchased at any grocery store. Go to the craft or costume shop for plenty of googly eyes, and, of course, make sure you have plenty of popcorn, whichever type you and your family prefer. Round the tops of the bags with scissors if you don’t trust your children to do that safely. Then, while you are popping the popcorn, they can glue the googly eyes to the fronts of the clear bags. Dump the freshly popped popcorn into each bag, and secure with black balloon string at the top of the bag. Voila! You have one of the easiest, most fun Halloween treat ideas done in less than half an hour – and your kids will surely be occupied with these spooky twists on a popcorn snack all evening.
Ghost Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
Turn a classic kids’ snack into one of the simplest Halloween treat ideas your kids have ever seen. All you need is the usual making for a regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich, plus a ghost shaped cookie cutter and a few raisins. Just trim the crusts off regular white bread (many little ones don’t like the crusts anyway), and then use the cookie cutter on the bread slices. Make the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as usual, and place two raisins on each for the ghosts’ eyes. A tray of these ghosts will keep any Halloween party full of excited children satisfied for hours.
Snake Breadsticks
Not every set of Halloween treat ideas has to be a seriously sugary snack! Here we have something that is sure to keep your little ones entertained as they prepare to frighten the neighborhood for the night: Snake breadsticks! Just take regular, store bought breadstick dough and let your children wrap them around bamboo skewers. Get some poppy seeds to add to the effect, and let them slip pepperoni into the cracks, and roll up one piece of pepperoni for each breadstick, for the snake’s forked tongue. Use larger pieces of poppy seed for the snake eyes, and voila! A snack to keep any Halloween crowd happy.
Spooky Triscuit Faces
This is another super easy one that the kids can pretty much do all by themselves, and everything you need can be purchased at your local corner store. Just pick up a box of Triscuits, some carrot sticks, a container of mozzarella balls, raisins and a red bell pepper.
Cut the mozzarella balls in half, and place them on each cracker for the base of the eyes. Then, take the carrot sticks and cut them into round chunks. These will go on top of the mozzarella balls. Top those eyes off with the raisins, and tiny triangles of the aforementioned red bell peppers will serve as noses. There you go! A cute little snack that should be on any list of healthy Halloween treats that your kids will love.
Creepy Cracker Eyes
This is a spooky snack that is so sure to please that we saved the best for last on this list of Halloween treat ideas. Most kids love cheese and crackers for a snack, right? Well, this Halloweeny twist on the classic snack is sure to wow your little ones and their pals.
Just get some Melba toast – any of the round, snack-sized ones will do. I prefer the sea salt variety personally. Take some mozzarella balls and cut them in half (by the way, if you have snacky kids around, mozzarella balls should be a healthy household staple, regardless of the time of year).
Place a half a mozzarella ball on top of each Melba round. Take some very thinly sliced red bell pepper to make the veins of the eyes. Then, put a piece of sliced green olive on top to complete the look. If you want to keep your kids occupied for awhile a tray of these creepy, crawly eyes, along with some good Halloween movies will definitely do the trick.
The Bottom Line
Kids love Halloween. It is a great time of year to welcome a new season with your family, and have some spooky fun to boot before the winter holiday season begins. However, Halloween, like all holidays, comes with great expectations of fun for children. Therefore, if you have little ones of your own, or perhaps the children of friends or family to entertain, you might get a little overwhelmed trying to make the holiday fun for them.
There is so much to go into pulling off the perfect Halloween when kids are involved. You want to allow them to be their fantasy princess, prince, monster, ghost, ghoul, or character on that frightful night. But, you also want to have age appropriate costumes. You want them to have a great time trick-or-treating, but you also don’t want them to load up on too much candy. We get the idea, and we understand. Hopefully this handy list of Halloween treat ideas can help you figure out at least one part of making your kids’ Halloween nothing short of amazing without so much as a hitch.