While a lot of details go into a wedding, one of the most important parts of a wedding is the marriage vows. Sharing your wedding vows with your soon-to-be husband can be a touching moment for both of you. However, it can also be stressful to come up with marriage vows of your own. If you are struggling to think of marriage vows to say on your big day, you have come to the right place. In this article, I’ll go over the best marriage vows for her that you can use to help you create your own marriage vows. Remember to make your marriage vows unique. Use these marriage vows for her to give you an idea for what your marriage vows should look like. Let’s get started.
Traditional Wedding Vows
While some couples break tradition by creating their own marriage vows, there is nothing wrong with using traditional wedding vows. Traditional wedding vows are just as beautiful and touching. If you plan on having a traditional wedding, you will definitely want to have traditional wedding vows. Here is a list of some traditional wedding vows to use at your wedding.
“I take you as my husband and promise to be true to you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, I vow to love, honor, and cherish you all the days of my life.” (Source)
“I (enter name), take you for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.” (Source)
“I vow to live together in the covenant of marriage, to take you to be my husband, to comfort, honor, and love you, to be faithful and honest with you always, for all of the days of our life.” (Source)
“I promise to care for you all of my days – to love you and support you. We are flawed – we are imperfect, but I love you more for your flaws as for your strengths. I vow to help you when you need help and to be a respectful and loving wife all of our days.” (Source)
“This ring is a token I give to you as a pledge for my constant faith and undying love for you, my husband.” (Source)
“I pledge you, my love, now and forever, and take you to be my husband as I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health and to love and honor you all the days of my life.” (Source)
“With honesty, care, and treasured joy, I take thee to be my lawfully and spiritually wedded husband.” (Source)
“I commit my life to you, my husband, taking upon myself the burden of all of your sorrows, which shall be mine, the lightness of your joys in which I will rejoice, and all the triumphs and experiences of our lives together.” (Source)
Funny Wedding Vows
Just because getting married is a big step doesn’t mean you can’t add a little humor to it. There are so many funny wedding vows you can use for your wedding. These wedding vows make your wedding light-hearted and funny. Your guests will be laughing out loud at these funny wedding vows, and you and your husband will remember these funny wedding vows forever.
“I promise to love you, honor you, but not obey, because that’s a little creepy.” (Source)
“I vow never to steal your covers, unless you are hogging them.” (Source)
“You are the one I want to binge watch Netflix with forever.” (Source)
“Now that we have gotten skinny for this wedding, let’s get real fat together.” (Source)
“I promise to continue to make your friends jealous of our amazing relationship.” (Source)
“I vow to love you even as you scan through all those movies without picking one to actually watch.” (Source)
“I promise that you will be as important to me as coffee, as chocolate, and as all the episodes of Grey’s put together.” (Source)
“I promise to love you at all times – even during football season.” (Source)
“I can’t wait to take your last name – I am going to totally steal your identity.” (Source)
“I promise that as your wife, I will not keep score, even though I am totally winning.” (Source)
“You’re the french fries in my chocolate shake.” (Source)
“I promise not to force you to watch a Gilmore Girls marathon.” (Source)
Christian Wedding Vows
If you would like to use Christian wedding vows, these ideas below may help you. Because they are similar to traditional wedding vows, you could combine both Christian wedding vows and traditional wedding vows together.
“I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.” (Source)
“I love you, (enter name) and I know that you love me. Because of this, I desire to be your wife. For (enter number of years) years I have prayed that God would lead me to His choice and I am confident that His will is being fulfilled tonight. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to you. I will love, serve, and obey you as long as we both are alive. Christ told us that the wife must submit herself unto her own husband as unto the Lord. For as Christ is Head of His Church so is the husband head of his wife. (Enter name), I submit myself to you. (Source)
“And with this ring, I (enter name), take you (enter name), to be my husband, before God who brought us together, to love you, cherish you, to submit me unto you in all things, and to follow you through all of life’s experiences as you follow God. That through His grace we might grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.” (Source)
“I love you (enter name) as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my husband through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever. (Source)
Modern Wedding Vows
Looking for some non-traditional wedding vows? If so, these modern wedding vows may be exactly what you’re looking at. Just because these are not traditional wedding vows doesn’t mean they aren’t special. They can be just as meaningful as traditional wedding vows, if not more. Here are the top modern wedding vows for her:
“I promise to trust and respect you as your own person and to realize that your interests, desires & needs are no less important than my own.” (Source)
“I promise to share with you my time & my attention and to bring joy, strength & imagination to our relationship.” (Source)
“I love you (enter name). You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.” (Source)
“When I look at you, I see a mirror for my true self. Let me love you with all of my heart and share my life with you as an equal. You are my partner in life and in love. I will honor you and cherish you always. Let us work through the hard times and celebrate the good times. I love you now and forever.” (Source)
Romantic Wedding Vows
While funny wedding vows make your wedding light-hearted, you may also want to add a touch of romance to your marriage vows. These romantic wedding vows are sweet, loving, and romantic. They will surely bring tears to the crowd’s eyes, to the groom, and perhaps even to yourself.
“I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient, and forgiving. I promise to try to be on time. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you.” (Source)
“I promise to grow with you and build with you a better life each day as we learn from each other to be patient, kind, giving, and to always cherish each day together.” (Source)
“I love your sense of adventure and the way you always brighten my day. I vow to join with you in this journey as your wife with an open heart and to make even the smallest of our accomplishments—eating breakfast or changing a light bulb—into an exciting part of our lives together.” (Source)
“I love you without fear, without hesitation, and promise to support you, encourage you, and cherish you as your wife.” (Source)
“Live with me, laugh with me, love with me, and I will be your devoted wife forevermore.” (Source)
“Wherever our journey leads us, I promise to walk with you arm in arm, hand in hand, to hold you as your wife and to learn from you, love you, and surprise you, forever.” (Source)
How To Write Your Own Marriage Vows
Now that you have an idea of what marriage vows look like, it’s time to get started on working on your own. While writing marriage vows can be difficult, it will be much more meaningful if you write it in your own words. Here are the steps to creating your own marriage vows.
Beginning the Introduction
Sometimes the hardest part of writing wedding vows is writing the introduction. While your wedding vows don’t have to be fit for a novel, they should still flow easily. You may want to begin your introduction by writing down a few things that you think about marriage. What does marriage mean to you? Why are you taking this step? It isn’t necessary to include this in your wedding vows, but it can make it even more special.
Write What You Love About Your Partner
Next, begin writing down what you love about your partner. It can be a simple list of things you love about him, or it can be a long. Be creative when writing the things you love about your partner.
Share Stories
Share some stories of you and your partner, such as when you first met or how you knew he was the one. You could combine your list of what you love about your partner with the stories if you want. These stories will help make your marriage vows more personal.
Make It Funny
Earlier, I shared a list of some funny wedding vows. Feel free to use those funny wedding vows in your marriage vows. You can personalize them so that they have something to do with you and your partner. In addition to saying funny wedding vows, consider telling a funny story or writing something funny about your partner.
Start Writing the Vows
Once you have written down why you love your partner and at least one story about the two of you, it is time to start writing your marriage vows. You could stick with the traditional vow, “I take you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”. You could also write your own marriage vows so that it is personal. Use these marriage vows for her as an example of how you could write your own.
Use Quotes
While you want to be as personal as possible, feel free to add quotes into your marriage vows. They could be quotes from poems, love stories, or even from the list I gave earlier in this article on marriage vows for her.
Final Thoughts On Marriage Vows For Her
I hope this article on marriage vows for her has inspired you to start writing your wedding vows. These marriage vows for her are examples for how you can write your own marriage vows. However, if you are struggling with finding the right words to say, feel free to use these marriage vows of her in your marriage vows. Remember to include personal stories in your marriage vows so that they are personal. Have fun writing your marriage vows!
Related Article: 7 Things To Consider When Writing Your Own Vows