100 words, just a general introduction to the product and the need for the product.
Things To Consider When Purchasing…
150 – 250 words
● Briefly remind the reader of the problems that product category solves and why
one would seek to buy an item in it.
● Describe the ideal customer for the product category and who should not buy,
why and what they should buy instead.
● List the things the buyer needs to think about before buying the product
Who Should Buy This Product
150-200 words
Who Shouldn’t Buy This Product
150-200 words
[amazon box=”B00TDGNCRA”]
Name of Product
200-300 words
● Give a brief description of what the product is, the promise that it makes and
what comes with it when you purchase it. also compare it to the market leader
and its previous versions.
○ Example: P90x is the little brother of the Insanity workout by the same
company. It ưclaims to help you lose fat and build muscle in just 90 days
by following a rigorous diet and exercise plan from the comfort of your
home. It is now the 3rd edition of this product and it seems like the major
changes with this iteration are better video production and aesthetics.
● Explain who that specific product is for and who it is not for
Pros and Cons
Features and Benefits for Product
800-1300 words broken down into sub sections for each feature
● Now start going through the features or core principle of the product and write a
section for each explaining both how it performs/feel and why this feature is
important (what benefits it provides and how it helps solving the core problem)
○ Example: This laptop is completely fanless which is nice because it makes
it 100% silent (I like that when I’m traveling, often surrounded by other
people). However, this also means it can heat up a fair bit if the room is
too hot.
Social Proof From Amazon
50 – 100 words
● Say you scoured the internet and found some user reviews that seemed rather
● Include a screenshot of a few testimonials from users around the web (3-5) that
share their journey using the product
● list 3 alternatives available for the product
○ <insert alternative 1 here>
○ <insert alternative 2 here>
○ <insert alternative 3 here>
● For each of them write a paragraph or two on how they differ from the main
product reviewed (price, features, benefits, etc) and who should use it then
provide a bulleted comparaison list and a call to action for the reader to check the
alternative product out
[amazon box=”B00TDGNCRA”]
50 – 100 words
● reiterate the problem the product solves and why it needs to be solved by the
reader (complications).
● give 2-3 reasons why the product reviewed is a great fit to solve that problem
● conclude telling people to click here to check the product out