Imagine that one pay period, your take-home salary is $1,200. You decide to grocery shop and end up spending $350. Next, you pay your car bill of $250, your rent of $500, leaving you with $100 left. Oh no! You are not done paying over due bills yet! You still need gas for your car […]
Praying Together to Stay Together: Does Prayer Strengthen Relationships?
Prayer as a practice is a little harder to understand than other techniques to calm the mind, connect to self and spirit on a deeper level, and heal and strengthen relationships. Depending on what source you consult, you may find many different definitions of the term “prayer” (needless to say, this doesn’t help if you are […]
Who Knew Yoga Could Help Morning Sickness?
Yoga is a time-tested practice of physical health and well-being, yet so many women give this practice up during pregnancy. But, pregnancy is when you should most diligently take care of our body. Many of the benefits you found in your pre-pregnancy practice will continue on and you may even discover new benefits. Benefits of Yoga […]
Conflict Resolution: Teaching Your Children How to Handle Bullies
Bullies are a part of life, and they’re not confined to the playground. Your child is bound to have challenges with other people at school, in the neighborhood, and at extra-curricular activities. Learning how to stand up for themselves and handle those difficult encounters is a valuable skill that will serve your children throughout their […]
If You Can Survive Labor, You Can Survive Nursing!
The subject of feeding your baby has probably come up endless times throughout your pregnancy. Your spouse, doctor, and friends have probably asked how you intend to feed the baby when the little darling comes into the world. Some moms prefer to let their milk dry up so they can buy the baby store-bought formula. Other […]
Creating the Perfect Wedding Proposal: How to Pop the Question!!
Popping the question isn’t easy… There’s the preparation, planning, pacing, and of course, the proposal itself (dun, dun, DUN)! We get it, there’s a LOT to think about. But no need to fear, future fiances! We have some fabulous pointers to make sure your wedding proposal is as positively perfect as possible. Here are some […]
20 Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing Your Vows
The cake has been tested, the glossy embossed wedding invitations have been sent out, and you found the perfect dress – the “Big Day” is finally here. And with all of the wedding planning details taken care of, all that’s left to do (besides saying it!) is write your wedding vows. Seems simple, right? You […]
Sometimes Parents Need Nap Time Too!
20 Tips to Help Cool Off from Petty Arguments Parents aren’t perfect. Dads aren’t perfect. Moms aren’t perfect. We live complicated lives, to be honest! At times, we have to deal with anger when it comes to kids, but the quicker we can deal with it, the better we’ll react to our kids. Consider these […]