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Save the Dates that Guarantee a “Yes” from Your Guests

Save the Dates can seem like an overwhelming task when you first look at it. How can you represent the relationship between you and your fiance in just one card? How can you guarantee that the people you invite will say yes? Luckily for you, the Save the Dates below are unique and will leave your wedding guests wanting to say yes.

The Movie Spin-Off

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Do you and your fiance have a favorite movie? Do you remember the move you and your fiance saw together on your first date? The movie spin-off Save the Date is a perfect way to be sentimental and represent a relationship full of humor. It does not have to be limited to movies about couples, but that definitely helps with the fact that it is a wedding invitation. You could do movies like “The Proposal” or “Mamma Mia”. Not only will your guest think you are super creative and funny, but they will want to go to your wedding because of how fun your Save the Date was. Your wedding guests will keep this Save the Date on their fridge for all the days leading up to your wedding and all the days after.

The Nostalgic Invite

Wanting your save the date to tap into your guests heart? A nostalgic invite, like the one picture above, is a perfect way to make your potential guest feel all fuzzy inside while remembering the good ol’ days. Other examples of this type of invite is maybe a coloring page or a reference to an old TV show from when you were younger. This kind of invite may take some time to think of and may be quite costly, but it will be unique and add a personal touch to every Save the Date you send out.

The Everyday Use RSVP

This type of invitation is good because it can be used as a daily reminder to the guest about your wedding! This will also leave little excuses for them to respond “no” because they will be using your Save the Date on a somewhat daily basis. How could they say no when you and your fiance are constantly on their mind when using your coaster? Other everyday items you can send besides coasters are magnets, tea towels, and pens. This Save the Date will be sure to leave a lasting impression.

The Helpful Invite

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When your guest receives an invite the first thing that they do is mark it on their calendar. What better way to help them than to give them a sticker to put on their calendar? When receiving you Save the Date, the guest will be able to visually see the month and day of your wedding which will help them remember it better. This cute and personal idea is a great way to be creative on a budget.

The Cute Factor

cute save the date


Looking for a way to incorporate your cute, extremely embarrassing childhood photos into your Save the Date? Look no further, this save the date not only includes a pun, but it is the perfect place to show off how adorable you and your fiance were when you were kids! This will make your guests ooh and aah at both how cute you guys were and how great your wedding will be. This creative touch on your wedding invitation will let your guests have an inside look at your past and invites them to be apart of your future.

The Funny Invitation


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Who doesn’t enjoy a little humor or pun every now and then? This Save the Date will leave your guests giggling as they check the yes box. Funny invitations will leave a lasting good impression on the recipients and will show how funny you and your fiance are! You can go in so many different directions when deciding what to put on your Save the Date. This is easy to personalize and does not require much effort besides taking the picture and printing out the cards.

The Creative Route



A creative wedding invitation goes a long way when it comes to a response from your guest. This kind of save the date makes the guest think about and appreciate the time you put into making a cute, inventive wedding invitation. Creative wedding invitations are also easy to make if you want to save money and do a DIY. Like the one above, all you need is a piece of string and a hole punch to make a drab wedding invitation to a fab Save the Date.

The Save the Dates above are a great place to draw inspiration for your wedding invitations and will guarantee that your invites will stand out among the rest. A great resource for further inspiration is matter how you and your fiance decide to do your Save the Dates, they will stand out because your marriage is what is going to be the main attraction. The way you announce it will only aid in showing your guests how in love you and your future partner are.

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