If there is one thing that every woman knows about pregnancy it is this. At one point or another, your water is going to break. But what does that actually mean? One of the most frequently asked questions by many expectant mothers at is what happens when your water breaks. Well today, we are going to dive into all the ins and outs of what happens when your water breaks. Let’s get started!
What Happens When Your Water Breaks?
A lot of women who are waiting for their water to break most likely imagining a scene straight out of the movies. A gush of unstoppable water followed by a surprised shriek. Unfortunately, it does not happen quite like that. When your water breaks, it is not a scene of uncontrollable gushing water. Rather, it is quite the opposite. In fact, some women may not even have realized their water has broken until they have gone into the hospital. These varying results can mainly be due to the fact that society has not really done a good job of portraying what actually happens when you water breaks.
One of the main things that happen when your water breaks is a small trickle of your amniotic fluid will begin to stream out from your vaginal area. You will notice that as soon as you stand up this trickle of water may increase and then eventually stop. This is because when you stand up gravity pulls any excess water down and out. Then, your baby’s head will eventually make its way down too to plug up the hole where the rupture has happened. If you are asleep when your water breaks, then you are more likely to feel a larger gush of water. You may almost feel as though you have peed yourself. There is a way to discern whether or not the fluid leaking is amniotic fluid or something else. Read on to figure out the distinction.
Does It Hurt?
If you are wondering what happens when your water breaks and if it is going to hurt or not, then be pleased to know that the short answer is “No”. The actual act of your water breaking does not actually hurt. Instead, many women consider it to be a really neat sensation. Now depending on whether or not your water breaks during a contraction you may feel some pain. Often times your water will break well into the labor process. Because you will be in labor already, The aches and pains of labor will distract you from any possible pain of your water breaking.
Will It Hurt My Baby?
When your water breaks, this is essentially a rupture in your amniotic sac’s membrane. This rupture is what allows the amniotic fluid to leak out. Throughout your pregnancy, the amniotic fluid that your baby has been floating around in has served as a sterile environment for your baby to safely grow in. When your water breaks, This sterile environment gets disrupted. Although your baby’s clock starts ticking for him to make his debut, your water breaking will not hurt him.
How Will It Feel Like When My Water Breaks?
Of course, for each woman, there is a different experience for when their water break.One of the most common questions is what happens when my water breaks and how does it feel? While a one size answer may not fit all, when your water breaks you will somehow be able to tell. You may feel a “pop” sensation in between your legs. After this popping, you may feel a rush of water gushing out from between your legs. If you are laying down, you are more likely to feel this rush of water too. It is almost like the sensation of wetting the bed. You may even feel like you have lost control over your bladder momentarily and have peed yourself instead. While your experience may differ from someone else’s, one thing remains constant. When your water does break, it is an extraordinary feeling that will catch you by surprise.
When Will My Water Break?
Typically, your water will not break until you have started having regular contractions. It is at this time where the amniotic sac is most likely to break. In fact, your water may break when a strong contraction sets in. Enzymes that are released that help trigger contractions will be the same kind that will eventually weaken the amniotic sac. For most women, your water breaking is a telltale sign that your baby is coming soon.
What Should I Do When My Water Breaks?
If you have suspected that your water is broken, there are a couple of ways you can tell. First be on the lookout for a clear fluid. It may be just a tinge of tan too. But it should not look like bright yellow or orange the way urine might appear. Finally, amniotic fluid is completely odorless. One trick to tell if your water has broken or not is by standing up and letting gravity give you a clue. If you stand up and you notice that water trickles down without stopping then that might be a sign that your water has indeed broken. When you are sitting or laying down, the pressure and your position may not be intense enough to give you a clue as to whether or not your water has actually broken.
Once you are able to discern that your water is actually broken, it is then time to call your midwife or doctor. While your midwife or doctor cannot accurately assess you over the phone, they can give you some necessary tips and some guidance. For most women whose water breaks, it’s a telltale sign that birth is near and that your baby will be coming within the next 24 hours.
What To Do Once Your Water Has Broken
After you have successfully been able to determine that your water has broken, it is time to get to labor and delivery as quickly as possible. When your water breaks, your baby cannot stay in there for much longer. This is because their once protected environment is now susceptible to bacteria entering and infections developing. Being in a hospital where you can be closely monitored after your water has broken is your best option. This is the best possible way to make sure that you have a smooth labor and delivery.
In the event that your water breaks before 36 weeks, doctors may try to have you continue with your pregnancy. In extreme cases, your doctor may even put you on a dose of steroids to help your baby develop his or her lungs a bit more quickly.
Good To Know Tips
If you are ticking down the days for your baby to arrive, then it’s best to be as prepared as you Canby. Because it can be a bit messy once your water breaks, you want to make sure that you baby proof your environment beforehand. For starters, you can try sleeping with an extra large plastic bag or water resistant fabric underneath your bed sheets. This way, if your water breaks while you were in bed, your mattress will be spared the mess. Be sure to do the same for when you are in the car or at the office. If you are still working, then keep an extra pair of clothes handy at work in case your water breaks while you are there.
What Happens If My Water Does Not Break?
For some women, your water may not break naturally. If this is the case, then your doctor or midwife may opt to break your water. When this happens, your care provider will manually go in and rupture your membrane. While this sounds scary, don’t worry, it does not hurt. While this may be necessary for some pregnant women, be sure to do your research first. Studies show that an unnecessary intervention (and breaking your water may be one) may increase your chances of a cesarean section.
Final Thoughts
Waiting for your water to break is one of the most exciting moments of being pregnant. If this is your first time as a new mom then you may anxiously be expecting for your water to break. However, just like with everything pregnancy related, stay calm and keep focused and you’ll get through your water breaking.