Are you a wine lover? Are you getting married? Calling all wine loving brides and grooms! This is a great resource for you! You’ve got a great way to build your registry through this incredible site provided to you! We all know that if you love wine like you say you do, you’ll probably have a winery wedding. But how will your wine loving registry look if you don’t have these items on your registry? Pretty poor, I would say!
A Mode Of Transportation
We all need a (classy) way to get the wine from the bottle to our expectant taste buds. We can always just drink from the bottle, but remember those times that you have to share!!!
Show Off Your Love For Your… Wine
You’re having a wedding to marry the love of your life, but you must show off your (first) love… Wine. It never talks back and it’s always supportive. Show some appreciation.
Smell Your Love Of Wine
What better way to drink wine than with some candles lit and a good book? Add a bathtub of course! 😉
Enjoy The Outdoors
Enjoy the outdoors with your wine in a conspicuous way… A mock Starbucks cup and an outdoor outdoor picnic set… Boom!
Hold Your Precious Babies.. I Mean, Bottles…
You park your cars in the garage and you put your kids in a bed… Give your other babies a place to sleep too!
Edibles for Gifts.. OR For Yourself
Chocolate. You don’t need anything other than your wine and these chocolates. Seriously, this is like Heaven, just wine and chocolate!
Now that you’ve got all the information that you need for those cool, awesome, and amazing items on your registry, you need the wine, right? Check out for all your wine needs! Enjoy all your cool stuff with all your good wine when your winery wedding is said and done! Happy planning!