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What To Expect And Not To Expect From Your Baby’s 7-Month Milestones

Your baby is seven months old now and with this age comes new things. He or she is exploring the world more now with their hands. If you are like most other parent’s, you are writing down his or her 7-month-old milestones always to remember them. The reason for this is because you don’t want ever to forget anything your baby does, especially if you are a first-time parent. What is it that your baby is experiencing now at seven months? Here is what you can expect from the 7-month-old milestones.

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Developing Motor Skills

At the seven month mark of your baby’s age, they are starting to get around more and producing more motor skills. Although your baby is moving around more, he or she may not be doing it the same way as the other baby’s you know. They are doing it their way, be it crawling, scooting, rolling, or even creeping. Maybe they are also combining all of these ways to move around.

You can also encourage their newfound motor skills by placing their toys just out of their reach a little. This way, they will do their best to try to reach them and maybe even succeed. Just don’t forget to ensure that any small pieces of toys or sharp objects are out of their reach so they can explore safely. The main reason for this is because he or she can now sit up without you holding their head or back to support them. They can also reach for things that are just out of their reach, and they will try very hard to get them. Your baby is more independent now and can even hold a cup and possibly a spoon by now.

Not only can he or she do everything mentioned above, but they can also hold their legs steady while you support them. Because they can do this now, they are strengthening their leg muscles for when they are ready to walk, which should be very soon now.


Your baby might be teething now. In fact, between five and seven months of age, they might have little tooth buds on their gums. You will be able to tell whether or not if he or she is teething by now because they will drool more and be a little crankier than usual. The reason for the crankiness is because while their teeth are starting to come in, they are feeling a little bit of pain. You can do something to help soothe their pain and discomfort. By giving them a cold washcloth to chew on or a teething ring, it will ease their little gums up a bit. Try to avoid over-the-counter topical relief medications that have Benzocaine in them. Baby Orajel has Benzocaine in it, and although it is supposed to be safe enough for your baby, the FDA does not recommend giving it to them because of the potential side effects of it.

Once you see their first few teeth come in, brush them every day with a dab of toothpaste on a baby toothbrush. The first teeth to emerge should be the two bottom middle ones. These should be followed by the two top middle ones, and within the next three to four months, the bottom and top two on the sides should start to form.

Although it is normal for their teeth to start forming during their seventh month, don’t be afraid if they don’t. The reason for this is because children vary in development and some baby’s don’t start teething until they are at least a year old or older.

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Eating Solid Food

As part of your baby’s 7-month-old milestones, he or she should be eating solid foods now. Meaning, you no longer have to feed them pureed fruits and vegetables and can give them chunks of fruits and vegetables now. Feed your baby around four tablespoons of iron-rich cereal every day. By adding thicker foods into your baby’s diet, you are encouraging him or her to adjust to the new food and to learn to chew better. However, when introducing new foods to your baby, you will want to wait a few days before giving them anything else new in case of a food allergy. The signs you need to watch for in case of a food allergy include diarrhea, rash, vomiting, or wheezing when they breathe.

Starting to Communicate More

Another 7-month-old milestone you get to look forward to with your baby is how they are communicating with you and everyone else. By now, he or she is starting to understand what the meaning of language is. They are beginning to respond to “no” better and are beginning to recognize and respond to their name, even if it is a head turn toward you.

Seven-month-old babies are also experts in non-verbal communication. Meaning, they are starting to learn how to communicate with facial expressions more. They tend to give you a big smile when they are happy or frown at you when they are not so happy. He or she is also making more sounds now whether it is laughter, blowing raspberries or bubbles, or even babbling in long chains of consonants whether it is “dadada” or “mamama.” Your baby is also starting to understand your feelings when you give them facial expressions or by the tone of your voice.

Although they are starting to understand how to communicate better, they are also beginning to get separation anxiety and will cry more when you leave them with someone else. Don’t feel guilty because your baby is crying, however, give them a couple of minutes and they should calm down.

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Tips for 7-Month-Old Milestones

Now that you know what to expect, you should now do a few things differently with your baby.

  1. Make your baby part of the family during meal time and pull the high chair up to the table. He or she will be so happy that they get to eat with the rest of the family now that they are eating solid foods.
  2. Try to make playtime a daily thing. Play different games to encourage their growth, sing to them when playing, and read to them.
  3. Be sure the play areas are all baby-proof by now. If your baby is not mobile yet, they will be very soon.

Watch Out For These Warning Signs

Your baby is developing quite rapidly, and since he or she is seven months old now, there are a few things you should watch for. If any of the items listed below show up to you while your baby is growing, speak to their doctor immediately.

  • Their body seems stiff, and they have very tight muscles
  • They feel like a rag doll and are flimsy
  • Their head still flops backward when you pull them to sit upright
  • They reach with one hand only and never try to use both hands
  • He or she does not want to cuddle with you
  • They show no affection for you or anyone else who tries to care for them
  • Your baby does not enjoy being around anyone and doesn’t want to socialize at all
  • They have one or both of their eyes that consistently turn inside or out
  • Their eyes are always tearing up, draining a lot, or they are sensitive to light
  • He or she cannot hear you or anyone else or anything around them, meaning they don’t respond to any noises
  • Your baby has trouble putting things by their mouth
  • He or she is showing that they can’t follow anything with their eyes either near or far
  • They don’t roll over or sit up on their own
  • Your baby is not consolable at night, no matter how hard you try (by month five)
  • They will not smile on their own for no reason (by month six)
  • Your baby still can’t hold weight with their legs
  • He or she is still not making squealing sounds
  • They are still not trying to attract attention from anyone
  • He or she is not babbling
  • They are not showing any interest in games such as peekaboo or itsy bitsy spider

If you are noticing any of these warning signs, your baby is not developing properly, and you need to talk to his or her doctor to find out what they can do to help.

If you are noticing any of these warning signs, your baby is not developing properly, and you need to talk to his or her doctor to find out what they can do to help.

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