You’ve nailed the interview, gotten the offer, and now you’re ready for your first day of work. Though this is a time of great excitement, it can also be a scary experience to start your first professional job. What if you say or do the wrong thing? How can you make sure that they don’t hate you? Could they just fire you during the first week at any time? Take a deep breath and relax, you are going to do great. But, just to be extra prepared, we have made a guide with tips to help you conquer that first week at your new job.
Get Enough Sleep and Eat Well
If you want to be ready to go that first day and first week, then get plenty of sleep and eat well on the days leading up to your first job. You will want to arrive bright eyed and bushy tailed those first few days. Don’t set yourself up for failure by faking it that first day and trying to act energetic. Be energetic!
Be On Time
If you want to do well that first day, then be on time. But if you want to go the extra mile and make a great impression, then arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of time. Being early shows that you are eager and ready to go. You should also leave extra early to plan for road construction and delays.
Introduce Yourself
Make sure to introduce yourself to co-workers. Of course, your supervisor should know you since he or she most likely hired you, but make sure to introduce yourself around to the people you will be working with.
Ask For Help
It’s better to ask for help then to wing it and mess up. If you don’t know how things operate then, by all means, ask someone for assistance. This will show that you are eager to do things correctly.
Be Confident
Don’t overthink every move you make. Walk with confidence as you do your best. People will be more likely to trust you with projects and want to get to know you if you don’t act afraid.
Follow the Rules
Rules and regulations were set up for a reason. Don’t start out by being a rule breaker. Even in the little things, like the break room, make sure to follow the rules.
Try To Enjoy What You Do
Smile and love your job. Hopefully, you got this job for a reason, and that reason is that you wanted this job. Of course not every job is going to be perfect, but overall try to enjoy your day.
Be Careful With Gossip
There may be some co-workers that gravitate to you immediately and want to be your friend. You may even make a best friend at this job, but be careful to not participate in gossip. Remember that you can’t always trust everyone around you and that anything you say could be repeated to someone else. For people who have worked at a job for awhile, chances are there may be personality differences among the co-workers. Heck, some might even just be mean. Watch out for someone trying to get you on their side of a disagreement or issue right away.
Dress For Success
Make sure to dress for the part. If business attire is required, then, by all means, make sure to dress for success in full business attire. The first week is not the time to make a fashion statement or start a new trend. Take some time the first couple of days to scope out what your co-workers are wearing, then, you can plan accordingly for the future.
Congratulate Yourself
Your first few weeks at your first professional job is an exciting time. Take the time to be happy and soak in the feeling of accomplishment. Maybe buy yourself a little treat, or wait until your first paycheck to get that something extra you’ve been wanting. In a world where people often just keep pushing on to the next big goal, it’s important to enjoy when you reach milestones. Your first big girl job is something to be proud of. So congratulations!
For tips on what you shouldn’t post on social media, check out our article here.