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8 Mugs for the Coffee-Loving Bride

You can never have enough coffee mugs in your cabinet or overflowing from your cabinet. Not only can you use them for coffee, but they can also be transformed into soup bowls, water glass, and cereal bowl. Coffee mugs are versatile kitchenware that you can never run out of. Here are some awesome additions to your kitchen cabinets that  you can get with your new wifey status.

1. Mr.&Mrs.

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Imagine waking up on a Saturday morning and making coffee for you and your husband with these mugs. These are adorable mugs that are a staple for every coffee-loving couple. With these mugs there will never be a mug mix-up so you will not end up with your husbands espresso and he has your french vanilla, double whip, skim milk, no foam latte.

2. Wifey

wifey mug

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Be the ultimate wifey by owning your very own wifey mug. The metallic gold lettering with the white mug background creates a girly, classy look to your coffee drinking experience. This mug will become apart of your everyday routine because of how pretty and sturdy it is. It will also remind your husband of how great you are every time he sees you drinking out of it.

3. Together Forever

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These beautiful,ceramic mugs have an old-timey look to them with the unique handle and neutral colors. With the message “Let’s have coffee together for the rest of our lives”, these are perfect for the coffee-obsessed couple who are looking for a mug to drink from for years to come. Makes these mugs a new morning staple in your house by adding them to your cabinet.

4. Mawidge

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This is a mug for all of the princess bride fans out there, so basically everyone. This mug has an excerpt from the iconic marriage scene in the movie which everyone quotes and raves about. This is the perfect, humorous mug to add to you collection because of the inside jokes and memories that are connected to it.

5. Mr.&Mrs. Beautiful

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Are you and your husband not morning people? Enjoy a quiet morning with these mugs that say it all. With having a sweet message with a nice font, you and your husband won’t have to say a word to one another. These mugs are morning necessities for the inner crank in all of us.

6. Half of My Heart

couple mug set

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These gorgeous, wooden mugs are the perfect mugs for the couple who like the rustic things in life. The mugs each have handles that form half of a heart which is not obvious at first but once you see it you can’t unsee it. These mugs are different and cool in the way that it strays from the traditional coffee mug look and instead creates an individual, woodsy feel.

7. Best. Wife. Ever.

best wife ever mug

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Let’s be real, you are a pretty awesome person. Remind your husband everyday of just how awesome you are and how incredibly lucky he is with this mug. This mug is a bold choice for the confident wife who does a lot for her husband. He will get his mug later when his 6-year-old son buys him one of those “Best Dad” mugs.

8. Rom-Com Favorite

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This Chick-flick favorite mug is the highest honor that your husband could ever receive. Being able to reach Mr.Darcy standards is extremely impressive. Compliment your husband with this mug, whether or not he gets the Pride & Prejudice reference. This is an adorable mug for the Jane Austin fan in all of us.

All of these mugs are perfect for the just-married bride and for the married-for-to-long bride. These timeless coffee mugs add a fun twist to your early mornings and late night coffee cravings.

Last update on 2024-05-02 at 21:42 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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