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Third Trimester Symptoms and How to Deal With Them

Third trimester symptoms? Here’s everything you need to know. 

Congratulations! You have made it to your 28th week of pregnancy. This week not only marks one week closer to you meeting your baby, but it is also the start of your third trimester. for many expectant moms, the third trimester is filled with joy and excitement. After all, you are that much more closer two cuddling with your little booger. Although your third trimester is a time to be excited and joyful, it is also a time that you will notice your pregnancy symptoms ramp up. Today we will go over some of the most common third trimester pregnancy symptoms you are likely to encounter for the next couple of weeks.

 1. Nesting

Do you feel the sudden urge to organize any and everything in your house? If you do ,then you are likely to experience symptoms of nesting. Nesting is a common third trimester symptom because it allows you to get ready for the arrival of your little baby. For many moms who are still working on the nursery, you might find nesting popping up in the different ways you want the room to be set up. Don’t be surprised or alarmed if you set up the nursery one way, but then all of a sudden decide it needs to be another way.

The same goes for your baby’s clothes. You probably have already unpacked, and neatly stored away your baby clothes. If you are nesting, then don’t be alarmed when you realize you are making several stops to the baby closet to organize and reorganize. While this is not a terrible third trimester symptom to have, it can make you feel a little nervous. To put your mind at ease, just know that nesting is perfectly normal. Take advantage of the time that you have to nest before your little one arrives.

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2. Shortness of Breath

As you progress through your pregnancy, your baby will only be getting stronger and bigger by the day. While this is good news for baby, this can take a toll on mom.  A common third trimester symptom that you will come across is the fact that it may be a bit harder to breathe than usual. Shortness of breath is completely natural and normal in your third trimester so you should not be too alarmed with it. To help relieve this third trimester symptom, try giving yourself more frequent breaks than you normally would. Not only that but be sure to stay hydrated throughout your day. Proper hydration and adequate rest time will allow you the opportunity to be able to slow down and catch your breath.

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 3. Frequent Urination

Have you noticed that you have been taking trips to the bathroom more than usual? Well, unfortunately, this is another one of the third trimester symptoms that will gradually get worse the longer you are pregnant. As your baby shifts in your belly to get ready for birth, he or she will not spare you in terms of your comfort. Your baby’s growing weight can take a toll on your bladder system. Because of this, it is common for you to have the urge to visit the restroom more frequently than normal.

4. Swollen Feet and Ankles

This next third trimester pregnancy symptom is one that has started popping up in your second trimester as well. With all the stress, added weight, and changes that your body is going through, each pregnancy differs from another. However, this symptom pops up un many pregnant women. 

A common third trimester pregnancy symptom that you may have is swollen feet and ankles. When you are pregnant, your body retains more fluids. In the last trimester, you are less likely to be as active as you were in the first trimester, so you do not always have an opportunity to lose those fluids. Because of these factors and a multitude of others, your body May react by holding extra fluid in your hands or feet. In severe cases, this is commonly referred to as edema. If you are suffering from swollen feet and ankles, there are a couple of things that you can do to find relief.

For starters, let gravity help you. Put your feet up on a chair when you are not moving around. This will allow some of the weight to be dispersed elsewhere on your body instead of just your feet. If you work at a job where you are on your feet all day, make it a point to give yourselves frequent breaks. Giving yourself a break will again help alleviate some of the weight that is resting on your feet as well.

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5. False Contractions

When you are in your third trimester, you should be starting to have practice contractions. However, a common third trimester symptom is false contractions. In fact, Braxton Hicks contractions will probably make their debut a couple of times a week. For the most part, these Braxton Hicks contractions are simply practice contractions that are helping you get ready for your big day. You should only be worried once you notice that your contractions are getting pretty regular in severity and duration. It should be noted that there will be times that a Braxton Hicks contractions can very much feel like a real contraction. A simple trick to use is moving around or drinking fluids. If you notice that your contractions slow down, then it is likely just a Braxton Hicks contraction. Unfortunately, these contractions are one of those third trimester symptoms that you will just have to work through.

 6. Heartburn

Not many moms will experience this, but there are a lucky few that unfortunately will have to. Heartburn is a very common and regular symptom. Unfortunately, it is just one of those third trimester symptoms that you will have to get through. For some pregnant ladies, the heartburn will kick in during specific times of the day. It is not uncommon that heartburn will usually kick in during the final hours of the day when you are trying to get to bed.

Heartburn can be incredibly frustrating and difficult to get through especially when you are pregnant. There are a couple things you can do to alleviate this. For starters, TUMS for heartburn during pregnancy is a great remedy. Not only that, but you will want to be mindful about what stay away from. For example, be sure to avoid spicy food and boldly flavored foods. Try to stick with bland foods like yogurt and crackers instead. This will help alleviate any of the heartburn you might feel throughout the day. Finally, it’s always a good idea to break up your meals into six smaller meals a day instead of just three. This will give your body an adequate amount of time to digest what it is that you are eating.

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7. Loss of sleep

Unsurprisingly, losing your ability to sleep throughout the night is one of the most all-too-common third trimester symptoms. There are several reasons why many pregnant mothers have difficulty falling asleep at night. For many, heartburn is the culprit. But for all others, general pregnancy discomfort is the issue. When you are going to bed during your third trimester, make it a point to try to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will give your body proper circulation so that your baby gets all the nutrients it needs. The good news about loss of sleep is that what it will get better. Unfortunately, it may take a couple of years after your baby is born to notice a change. In the meantime, you can also invest in a good pregnancy pillow to try and get some shut eye at night. 

 Final Thoughts

Pregnancy is difficult, and your third trimester is no exception. If you are suffering from any of these third trimester symptoms do not be alarmed. While they are only going to stick around for a limited amount of time, the reward at the end is priceless. As always, with any new third trimester symptoms be sure to check with your healthcare professional if you have any comments or concerns. If you notice that you have contractions that only get stronger and more intense with consistent frequency, be sure to touch base with your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

Related Article: A Breakdown of Your First Trimester: Week by Week

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